来たる 3月20日(私の60歳の誕生日【還暦】)に、「長順館」設立プロジェクトのクラウドファンディングをスタートいたします。
本プロジェクトは、海外向けクラウドファンディングプラットフォーム Indiegogo にてご支援をお願い申し上げます。
プロジェクトタイトル: Chojunkan: Okinawa Karate & Tourismの聖地
URL: https://www.indiegogo.com/project/preview/7deae443
開始日: 3月20日(木)
終了日: 5月18日(日)までの60日間
店番: 101
普通預金No.: 2668927
口座名義: ツボヤベース(カ)
店番: 201
普通預金No.: 1341127
口座名義: ツボヤベース.カ
「長順館」の運営は TSUBOYA BASE株式会社 が行っております。
代表取締役:宮城 達
会社URL: https://tsuboyabase.com/
#長順館 #沖縄空手 #剛柔流 #空手の伝統 #indigogo #空手を支援 #沖縄県 #那覇市 #壺屋 #クラウドファンディング #TSUBOYABASE #ツボヤベース
【5 Days Until the Start of the Crowdfunding Campaign】
Please help spread the word!
On March 20th (my 60th birthday [Kanreki]), the "Chojunkan" establishment project will launch its crowdfunding campaign.
This project will seek your support through the international crowdfunding platform Indiegogo.
Project Preview
Before the campaign begins, you can preview the project details by visiting the following URL. Please check it out.
(The page is available in both Japanese and English, so please feel free to view it. Please note that photos and videos are still being prepared, so kindly wait for those to be added.)
Project Title: Chojunkan: The Sacred Ground of Okinawa Karate & Tourism
URL: https://www.indiegogo.com/project/preview/7deae443
※Please select Japanese using the translation function.
Fundraising Period
Start Date: March 20th (Thursday)
End Date: May 18th (Sunday), lasting 60 days
For Direct Bank Transfer Donations
For those who are new to crowdfunding or prefer to donate under a company name rather than an individual name, we have provided the bank account details below for direct transfers. We kindly ask for your support through this method.
Okinawa Bank (Bank Code: 0188) Head Office
Branch Number: 101
Ordinary Account No.: 2668927
Account Name: Tsuboya Base (Ka)
Ryukyu Bank (Bank Code: 0187) Head Office
Branch Number: 201
Ordinary Account No.: 1341127
Account Name: Tsuboya Base. Ka
Direct transfers are accepted even before March 20th.
Return Gifts
For those who prefer to donate via direct bank transfer, please email the following information to info@tsuboyabase.com for return gift processing:
Name of the person making the transfer
Transfer amount
Name (individual or company) you wish to have featured in the thank-you email, on the website, or on the "Chojunkan" wall board
Company Information
The operation of "Chojunkan" is managed by TSUBOYA BASE Inc.
Representative Director: Tatsu Miyagi
Company URL: https://tsuboyabase.com/
We look forward to successfully completing the "Chojunkan" project with the support of people from around the world and to building the future of Goju-Ryu Karate. Thank you for your cooperation!
#Chojunkan #OkinawaKarate #GojuRyu #KarateTradition #Indiegogo #SupportKarate #Okinawa #NahaCity #Tsuboya #Crowdfunding #TSUBOYABASE #TsuboyaBase